Monday 20 February 2017

What is TCP/IP

A quick reply to this question is that TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol is designed to build internet network on a larger scale. Both of the components do a joint venture and depict a set of protocols which resultantly let the hosts for the internet connectivity. Combining more than two protocols make a TCP/IP but TCP and IP are the two main two protocols of the acronym that perform the function.
TCP/IP is a communication gate between clients and servers. This TCP/IP address for each client is unique ID is used to connect to the internet by sending signal to the server. On receiving the signals internet starts running few exception are rare though.
Let examine the TCP/IP as a two different layers; one is TCP and second is IP.
1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
It forms the upper layer which adapts the information for example messages or files in the form of letter which form a small packet. This packet will reach to a server which is exemplary a post office of your hometown. This journey of the letter (data) continues from one post office (server) to the next till the destination (IP). TCP supports numbers of applications like FTP, SMTP, SNMP, ETC.
2. Internet Protocol (IP)
The lower layer helps to match (configure) the address (IP) for the confirmation to deliver (sent) the information (messages / files) to the right destination (IP). IP is the most important constituent of this routing process of a data file from one computer to another. If this IP is wrong you can lost the routing and the data will never be sent to the mentioned destination. This IP has concerned with IEEE.
Note= IP is an independent protocol and carries operation itself but TCP is dependent on IP.
Each computer has its own unique IP address equal to 32 bits numbers divided into four groups of 8-bits separated by the dot among each group ranges from 0-255. There are three cases when it comes to assign an IP address to a computer.
  • In a private network you can assign IP of your own choice or it can be assign by the server.
  • A network administrator has the authority of assigning an IP in a specific company.
  • In case of connecting to internet, ISP will provide IP.
For the sake of privacy in a private network and also for security purposes, companies are now tend to reserve the IP addresses and only that computer can join the network and further connect to internet by sharing the one internet connection. The specification for the reserved IPOs like
192.168. a.b
Where a = same for all in one network
While b = a unique ID for each computer.
FTP: File transfer protocol enables the user to send file by security enabling file name and password.
Remote connectivity: A unique IP enable you to connect from any computer. Network terminal protocol allows a person to start a session and remain log in till the other computer log off.
Computer-to-Computer Mail: It is possible only between two computers one of sender and other of receiver. These are not the only services one can get through TCP/IP, there is HTTP, www, and many other protocols communicate through this TCP/IP suite.
Client – Server Model
TCP/IP supports client – server model. In this type of communication a client, who is a computer user, send the information to the server in a network. This communication will route to the client’s computer through the server whether an independent server is attached the whole network or one of the computers works as a server. This communication is called point-to-point protocol.


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